Monday, February 11, 2013

Mile 5: just breathe

breathe in 2, 3...breathe out 2, 3...

Lately, I have been concentrating on my breathing.
The other day in one of my psychology classes we learned some stress management techniques like Autogenic training. This included closing our eyes while we controlled our breathing. Since I am that kind of person who is always over-analyzing something and is scheduled to do too much...a.k.a is always stressed…I felt my body initially reject such attempts to slow my breathing. However, as I continued, I started to feel my muscles relax, mind clear, and started to fall asleep.

Runners know the power of controlled breathing very well. No matter the temptation, no matter how good it may taste to breathe in deep, you cannot not let your breathing control you- you have to control your breathing. You have to trick your running, sweating, and aching body that is screaming signals that you are going to die, that you are okay.

When we voluntarily steady the intake of oxygen to the brain, we tell our bodies, "You are okay. You are not in danger, so calm down. We are in control." which allows your body to turn off that natural stress-response when it is no longer needed.

So for running this week or when looking at the electrical bill…breathe in 2, 3...breathe out 2, 3...

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